
Learn About College and University Degrees

Undergraduate and graduate college degrees are designed to provide you with the tools and training needed to succeed at specific types of jobs, and we’re here to help you launch your education.

Let’s Get Started

While you’re here, you can review a wide array of information on undergraduate and graduate degrees and credentials like certificates and diplomas. 

Available Degrees & Certifications

Additionally, undergraduate degrees and credentials offered at many colleges and universities throughout the United States include associate and bachelor’s, as well as certificates and diplomas.  As with undergraduate degrees, certificates and diplomas are offered in specific subjects (e.g. accounting, education, business leadership, creative arts).  If you want to secure  graduate degrees you can pursue master’s and/or doctorate degrees. 
However, not all accredited postsecondary schools offer graduate degrees, certificates and diplomas.  Information provided is designed to help you quickly discern between schools providing only undergraduate and/or graduate degrees.  You can also learn about some of the more popular major degrees like information technology, engineering and education.

College and University Degree Requirements

Different types of Associate or Arts, Associate of ScienceBachelor of ArtsBachelor of ScienceMaster’s of ArtsMaster’s of ScienceDoctorate of Arts and Doctorate of Science degrees are covered here. This information may help you ask college and university admissions officers the right questions around their degree offerings.  Further, you can learn which degrees might require you to complete specific areas of study or even attain certain designations.  For example, if you’re striving to gain employment as a chief financial officer at an international financial services firm, you might want to get a master’s degree in finance and a bachelor’s degree in mathematics. 

Job outlook and annual salary information is also available here (e.g. numbers of new jobs expected to be created in certain fields, degree and license requirements).  You can also learn which degrees are likely to participate in college internships and work/study programs.  If you’re currently employed, you can use the information provided here to hold performance and external training program discussions with your employers.
Equally important as finding the college or university that’s right for you is the ability to identify the college degrees or credentials (e.g. certificates, diplomas) that best help you advance your education, positioning you for job promotions, salary increases and a long, rewarding career in the fields that inspire you.  As you continue to review information on college degrees, jot down notes about undergraduate and graduate college programs that interest you.  Also, be sure to note whether the degrees are offered through accelerated and distance-learning programs, two options that might help you save money and get your degrees earlier, also allowing more flexibility in your daily schedule.

Evaluating Available Education Formats

Both traditional campus and online programs offer students different benefits, making it important to thoroughly evaluate their merits. For many students, the journey is just as important as earning the education itself. With some individuals graduating with crippling amounts of debt, not having considered how they’ll manage student loan repayments, it’s critical to evaluate your resources and long-term goals.

Traditional Higher Education Campuses

For a long time, brick-and-mortar campus walls were the only option for those seeking a higher education. Many students still migrate to physical campuses every semester for a traditional learning experience, as it allows them to be fully immersed in their program of study and the social opportunities that accompany it. These are often invaluable experiences, which often makes it worth the higher price tag associated with many campus-based programs. While there’s undoubtedly something special about the shared student-teacher classroom experience, there are alternative educations available for those looking to incur less debt or expenses.

Online Programs

The College Board reported private college fees costing approximately $35,000/school year and state schools averaging $10,000 (for state residents) from 2017-2018, securing a higher education may seem unattainable for students with fewer resources. Worse, the fees don’t even include the cost of living. There are more affordable solutions, though.
On average, most online degrees cost between $100-400/credit hour, providing more flexibility for students on a budget. And with on-campus housing and/or commute fees eliminated, there are even more areas for savings. More, many of the same campus-based colleges/universities offer online programs. In fact, Investopedia reported that an impressive two-thirds of well-known and respected higher education institutions offered online education programs in 2006. Even better, nearly half of corporate CEOs were reported to find online degrees valid means of education, with those familiarized with the format having a nearly 85-percent acceptance rate. These metrics reflect the new attitude about online schooling that’s entered popular culture, making this learning format more viable than ever.

Learn More

If you’re ready to learn more about the education tools available to you, get started today in a few simple steps.